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New Year, new website…

(1 min read)

New website pages on Teach Your Monster

Have you seen our recent makeover? New Year — new start we say! 

After asking our users what they’d like to see, we’re currently in the process of making our site more helpful for everyone by adding more useful information on our games, making our learning resources more accessible for all and adding a dedicated teacher tab, so that you busy teachers out there don’t waste any precious teaching-time searching for what you need. 

We’ve started the makeover with our game pages — check out the links below. We especially LOVE the new Reading for Fun makeover, so be sure to check that one out!

Teach Your Monster to Read

Reading for Fun

Number Skills

Adventurous Eating

We’ve added information to take you through the pedagogical (educational) content, how the games work and how to integrate them into your child’s learning. Meet the experts on our expert pages, find out more about our minigames and even meet the team who worked on all these wonderful monsters!

As always, we’d like to know what our audience thinks. Please send us your feedback! Is there anything you’d like to see on our website that we don’t currently have? Let us know by contacting us via [email protected].

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